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Ron Paul Slams NDAA on the House Floor (Indefinite Detention) 18 January 2012
Ron Paul Slams NDAA on the House Floor (Indefinite Detention Act) 01/18/12
Ron Paul Slams NDAA on the House Floor (Indefinite Detention Act).flv
Ron Paul Moves To Repeal NDAA Police State Provisions! 01/18/12
Ron Paul SLAMS Senator Lindsey Graham on NDAA Support During Floor Speech
Ron Paul Furious About Indefinite Detention Act (NDAA) [sub RonPaul2012Revolt]
Ron Paul ∞ Repeal NDAA Bill Floor Speech 1/18/12 No Charges Trial Rights Unconstitutional
Ron Paul: I'd VETO the Indefinite Detention Act (NDAA)
Ron Paul's Speech Against Raising the Debt Ceiling Jan 18 2012
Rand Paul Questions John McCain About Indefinite Detention of US Citizens Under the NDAA of 2012
Ron Paul's Floor Speech to repeal Sec. 1021 of the NDAA Bill - Bill of Rights Trampled.
Ron Paul Moves to REPEAL NDAA Section 1021